CARDS Eyrewell Site 2003.

new power management unit

Installed 1 November 2003

This unit regulates the voltage from the solar panels (some times up to 20V) to 13.8V to run the radio equipment and charge the batteries. The old mark one version as some of you will know generated RF interference particularly on 6m and the new 10m installation. This new unit is an inverter type as apposed to the old one which was a switching unit.

A special thanks to the team at Tait Electronics for their help with the unit.

What’s inside the box.

The Install at the tower.

Replacing the 29Mhz antenna with on loan from Paul ZL3TPA.

The work crew included Eion ZL3AG, Alastair ZL2BCR, Mike ZL3MJS and Mike ZL3TMB.